Friday, May 27, 2016
Tuesday, May 24, 2016
Saturday, May 21, 2016
He Has The Whole Universe In His Hands
The moon is so big, yellow, and beautiful on the Horizon, early in the morning, when it’s full. It’s a reminder that we are just floating a vast, hostile Universe, when we are so fragile. But, we are protected by God. He has everything in His mighty hands. He is in control. So many disasters could befall us, but they don’t. ~Darya Hupp
Friday, May 20, 2016
My Latest Disturbing Dream
I was in a cafe called Joel.
Me and a group of people were going room to room with flashlights looking for hidden traps and bombs. I was fearless. Sometimes we would come across booby traps and someone would blow up.
Then I saw someone in the stocks crying and someone else with his head in the wall while he was getting his lips sewn together with a bomb. He looked like Robert DeNiro. Both of these men were crying. They didn’t want to die. Then I was tied to the man with the bomb on his lips in a way that if they let me go, the bomb would go off.
The group with the flashlights came in and I was able to talk so I said, “Don’t come over here, there’s a bomb!” The group looked at the situation and they could have just let us stay there like that. So I said, “Please, God just introduced me to a man, finally, and it’s been years.”
Just then, someone cut the cord and I pushed myself far away. The blast that happened next killed the man who looked like Robert DeNiro. I hugged the woman who was next to me.
After that, I was too scared to go into any more rooms. But I looked down the hallway and there was the enemy leading a group of people wearing green, like the scrubs for Veterinary Assisting at Westech College, single file down the hall.
Immediately, I went into the room and risked my life to go behind the door when there could have been a bomb there. I closed the door and told everyone that the enemy was coming. They had people walking in a line with their hands up.
A black woman came over to the closed door and Jury, from Westech, said to open the door. I couldn’t believe I was hearing her voice. She sounded playful. And the black woman on my side said, “If you give me 99 cents.”
I was in a van with an old woman and some other people. My mom was sitting in the back seat. The old woman leaned over to me and said, “She’s rude.” referring to my mother.
I got out of the van and walked into a place. There I saw a whole family with light blue hair. The little girl had light blue hair and rainbow. I loved it! They left and I was alone with one of the women of the family who had the colored hair. I told her how much I loved it and if she thought it would look good on me. I took a little bit of my hair to compare it to hers and BEHOLD, my hair was a bright blue! I told her how the old lady said that my mom was rude. She replied, “I bet you liked that.”
I went into this room where there was like a Christian concert going on but some of the people who called themselves Christian were not very nice, they were cursing and fighting with each other.
After the church service, I got up to leave and Joel was there. He asked if I wanted to go to the mall with him just to have a drink. I looked at the time and it was 9:17 PM. I told him that I get up really early so it’s too late. He insisted and I agreed. Then he ignored me and went to go talk to some people, leaving me behind, alone. So I went up to him and said, “We can just walk there.” He ignored me still so I was thinking about walking there myself.
I woke up. I learned that I have a hard time saying, “No.”
Tuesday, May 17, 2016
Man Tests Out Target's New Bathroom Policy, Asks to Use Female Restroom
Listen to what the manager tells him. "If any women have a problem with it then we will talk to him." This man isn't even in any drag!
Sunday, May 15, 2016
God wants more of us. He wasn’t satisfied with sacrifices of goats and bulls anymore. He wasn’t satisfied with us visiting Him at certain times anymore, even though He still makes dates with us that we need to keep, we can boldly approach His throne every day because of the sacrifice He provided for us. His was the first and last human sacrifice made on our behalf.
In Leviticus 16:2, God tells Moses that Aaron and his sons can’t go into the Holy Place at just any time they want. Leviticus 23:34 tells us that God set an appointment for us called the Feast of Tabernacles and we are to observe it for 7 awesome days. In 1 Kings 8:2, Solomon waits until the Feast of Tabernacles to dedicate the temple that he made to the Lord and says in 1 Kings 8:16 “Since the day I brought my people Israel out of Egypt, I have not chosen a city in any tribe of Israel to have a temple built so that my Name might be there, but I have chosen David to rule my people Israel.'” But, when I went to the Holy Spirit with this, because there isn’t a physical temple anymore, He told me that He did choose a place. Our hearts. Furthermore, His city is made up of all nations, tribes, and tongues.
Saturday, May 14, 2016
How to be Holy as God is Holy
There are different kind of laws for different things. For example, God has laws governing eating animals, family relations, property, laws for the temple and sacrificing, etc. Animals still exist, families still exist, property and land still exists but the physical temple has now become our hearts. We follow God’s laws because we love Him. You don’t have to love the U.S. government but you have to obey its laws or you go to jail. With God, getting to love Him is a gift and obeying Him is an honor. The U.S. government didn’t offer itself up to you but Jesus Christ gave up His precious life...for you.
Monday, May 9, 2016
Friday, May 6, 2016
Short Title: The Enemy Is Cast Down, God Is Immeasurable, Remain Humble, Obey Him, Victory In Jesus
Short Title: The Enemy Is Cast Down, God Is Immeasurable, Remain Humble, Obey Him, Victory In Jesus
1 Kings 1:8
The men of God did not follow the one who exalted himself, who presumed himself to be King. This is a sure sign that the one who exalts himself will be cast down.
1 Kings 1:13-14
Nathan the prophet tells Bathsheba to go to the king and tell him what happened. Bathsheba is told to remind king David that he promised Solomon, his son, to be king and not Adonijah.
This is a good way to pray to God. Remind Him of His own words.
Then Nathan the prophet went in to back Bathsheba up much like the Holy Spirit prays for us and makes utterances and moans that only God can understand.
“In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us through wordless groans.” Romans 8:26
1 Kings 1:23
Even though Nathan was a prophet and had revelations directly from God, he still humbled himself before an earthly king and didn’t see himself more important just because God spoke to him personally.
1 Kings 1:41
While the enemy was eating and drinking, celebrating himself, exalting himself, thinking that he had won, the real king was anointed and crowned. Adonijah had no idea what was happening.
See, Adonijah was not able to sit on the throne without the permission of the king. So, why did he even think that he was going to be king in the first place?
1 Kings 1:51-53
King Solomon shows mercy after Adonijah falls on his face before the king. But then he still wants what’s not his so he’s killed in 1 Kings 2:22-25.
1 Kings 2:1-4
King David repeats God’s instructions and tells Solomon to obey the Lord’s statutes, commands, judgments, and testimonies. Also, that if Solomon and his kids walk honestly before God with all their hearts and souls then there will always be a king for Israel.
“Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.” Hebrews 13:8
1 Kings 2:28
Joab took hold of the horns of the alter just like Adonijah did. This is an act of pleading for mercy. However, because Joab killed the commanders of the Israel and Judah without the knowledge of King David, shedding innocent blood, he was executed.
“The trouble they make for others backfires on them. The violence they plan falls on their own heads.” Psalm 7:16
Thursday, May 5, 2016
How Many Times Can You Have Your 1st Passover?
How many times did the children of God come back to Him to have their “First” Passover?
- Moses~Exodus 12:14 “This is a day to remember. Each year, from generation to generation, you must celebrate it as a special festival to the LORD. This is a law for all time.”
- Josiah~2 Kings 23:21 “King Josiah then issued this order to all the people: "You must celebrate the Passover to the LORD your God, as required in this Book of the Covenant."
- Ezra & Nehemiah~Nehemiah 8:12 “Nehemiah said, "Go and enjoy choice food and sweet drinks, and send some to those who have nothing prepared. This day is holy to our Lord. Do not grieve, for the joy of the LORD is your strength."
- Now You~1 Corinthians 5:7 “Get rid of the old yeast, so that you may be a new unleavened batch--as you really are. For Christ, our Passover lamb, has been sacrificed.”
Nehemiah 10~The Covenant of Faith
The people who separated themselves from the world renewed their covenant with God. All who had knowledge and understanding promised to walk in God’s Law which was given by Moses. They promised to observe all the commandment of the Lord our God and I think it’s important to note that they started observing the 4th Commandment. Nehemiah 10:31 says that the world wanted to buy and sell on the Sabbath but the people of God refused to buy and sell. They kept the Sabbath holy and they also left the produce alone on the seventh year while releasing anyone from debt.
The people who were serious about separating themselves from the world and being chosen people of the Lord obeyed the Law of God and brought in their first fruits of the ground and trees every year, grain, new wine, and oil. That’s how the Levites survived because they didn’t get a portion with the people of God. God was their portion so the Levites would give 10% of what they got from the people to the temple of the Lord to be put in storage.
Wednesday, May 4, 2016
God's Heart
2 Samuel 19:5-8
King David humbles himself before the man who disobeyed him and murdered his son. Joab tells King David that they will leave him if he doesn’t stop crying about his son (who would’ve killed them all) and go pay attention to the people who stuck by his side and protected him.
King David was very upset and could have used his power to punish Joab but the King, not being prideful, understood that Joab was right. This shows the King’s heart and wisdom. Whereas King Saul would have probably had a bad attitude and hung Joab.
2 Samuel 19:23
King David, a man after God’s own heart, shows mercy to the man who cursed him, threw stones at him, and harassed him. Shimei threw himself down before the King and repented. He admitted that he had sinned and even though he deserved to die, the King showed mercy and let him live.
2 Samuel 19:42-43
The men of Israel first had the idea to bring the King across the Jordan. However the men of Judah were the ones actually doing it. So, the men of Israel were jealous and got mad. The men of Judah said, “Look guys, the King is a close relative of ours. Why are you mad? Has he treated us with more favor than you?” To that, the men of Israel answered that they have more of a right to the King than the men of Judah. Also, it was their idea first.
Whose side are you on? Are you Judah or are you Israel? The Jews don’t believe that Jesus Christ is Lord but we Christians do. Now, there are those who are getting back to their Hebrew roots (Hebrew just means “crossed over”) and I wouldn’t call them Jews. I would call them Israel.
Tuesday, May 3, 2016
~His Child Exalts Himself~
His Child Exalts Himself
2 Samuel 15-18
Absalom, David’s son tries to take his father’s seat and kingdom. He devises plans to deceive the people of Israel for his own personal gain. He is prideful and exalts himself above the King of Israel. This is evil and demonic. Absalom even goes into this father’s concubines and plans on murdering King David. The elders of Israel agree, probably because they didn’t want to die.
The foreigner Ittai, much like Ruth, vows never to leave David’s side. The King then goes up to the Mount of Olives crying with his head covered with his people following behind him weeping with their heads covered as well.
King David’s spy and close friend, Hushai, tells Absalom that David is mad like a bear robbed of her cubs. We also see this in Hosea 13:6-8 “When they had pasture, they were filled; They were filled and their heart was exalted; Therefore they forgot Me. “So I will be to them like a lion; Like a leopard by the road I will lurk; I will meet them like a bear deprived of her cubs; I will tear open their rib cage, And there I will devour them like a lion. The wild beast shall tear them.”
King David and his people were warned of the attack that would take place and they all crossed over the Jordan.
They were strengthened in the wilderness. The King’s people prepared for war and protected the King.
The battle was took place in the woods of Ephraim, which will later be described as the disobedient sheep who were scattered and the King defeated the people of Israel who had sided with the enemy.
Absalom was found hanging in an oak tree and the death of King David’s son is like the death of God’s children who are disobedient, prideful, and evil. He loves them and wants to save them but their own pride and disobedience kills them.
King David cries out and weeps saying that he wishes he would have died in his son’s place.
Today, we have a King who died in our place. We were prideful and disobedient weren’t we? But that’s all changed now that we understand the love that God had for His children. We are the children of God. We are the children of God.
So now it’s time to be obedient, no longer in sin, no longer practicing lawlessness because of our pride. We set our pride aside in come before the Lord God Almighty in humility, learning His times, His seasons, His ways, and His law. It’s all about Him. We do this because we love Him.
Christ Jesus died for our sins so we could go and sin no more. I dare you to keep the 4th Commandment with the guidance of the Holy Spirit and see what happens to your relationship with Creator of sunrises and sunsets, music and dance, stars and galaxies.
Then I dare you to keep your 1st Passover like the children of God did all throughout the Bible when they came back to God. When they repented of their sins and decided to follow Christ. There’s the world’s calendar and then there’s God’s calendar.
I know this sounds foreign to you but like the foreigner, let’s vow to never leave His side, going where He goes, and doing what He tells us to do in humility.
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Monday, May 2, 2016
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